
Who are we?
100 Active Members comprised of 75 Heads of independent secondary schools and 25 public high school principals/superintendents - a unique collaboration of leaders from a diverse field of public/private, day/boarding, single-gender/co-ed schools
Current active members from 28 states and Washington, DC
Annual conference featuring renowned speakers from a variety of fields
In-person and online opportunities for peer-to-peer idea exchange and development of professional relationships
Support from fellow Heads of School as members grapple with the challenges unique to leading educational institutions in the twenty-first century
More than 250 Honorary (retired) members, many of whom lend their wisdom and experience to the above programs
New members are nominated by their colleagues and elected by vote of the membership
"Remarkable networking and support from schools around America."
"An opportunity to be part of a network, exchange ideas, reflect, and recharge with other educational leaders."
"It's the only organization of which I am a part that has a public/private school partnership. I love that."
"The conversations feel safe, candid, enlightening, and rich with diverse personalities and perspectives. Our annual meetings feel simultaneously like a family reunion, a group therapy session, a halftime pep talk, and a drink from the deepest wells of our vocation."
"I appreciate the collegial conversations regarding school reform and innovation that occur between public and private schools."
"I love the people, as they are the only ones who really understand this complicated work we do. Their experience and wisdom is always helpful to me."
"I value the thoughtfulness of the annual meeting and that we work as thinkers and reflectors...it respects us as whole people and it meets our need for learning and reflection, as we are often solely giving."
"The camaraderie and positivity are truly buoying. I am amazed by the lack of ego and the degree to which people support one another."